Mummerplot running errors and solutions

2017/09/13 00:25:27

Mummerplot is a excellent program and it has been a long time since last version 3.23 Here are some trouble-shooting:

1. For large reference genome (>536,870,908 bp) 

Error: mummer: suffix tree construction failed: textlen=ddddddd larger than maximal textlen=536870908

1.1 compile

Explanation: default compiled x86 version only support small genome (less than 536,870,908bp). If you have a larger one, you need to enable x64 version. So compile mummerplot again using


2. modify nucmer

And if you still get that error, you need to modify nucmer program, here is how-to

2.1 open ‘nucmer’ file using text editor like ‘gedit’

2.2 jump to line 336-343

open(ALGO_PIPE, “$algo_path $algo $mdir -l $size -n $pfx.ntref $qry_file ”)

                or $tigr->bail (“ERROR: could not open $algo_path output pipe $!”);

open(CLUS_PIPE, “ $mgaps_path -l $clus -s $gap -d $ddiff -f $dfrac > $pfx.mgaps”)

                or $tigr->bail (“ERROR: could not open $mgaps_path input pipe $!”);

while ( ) {

                print CLUS_PIPE

                or $tigr->bail (“ERROR: could not write to $mgaps_path pipe $!”);


$err[0] = close(ALGO_FILE);

$err[1] = close(CLUS_PIPE);

2.3. replace them with

    $err[0] = $tigr->runCommand (“$algo_path $algo $mdir -l $size -n $pfx.ntref $qry_file > $pfx.mummmer”);

    if ( $err[0] != 0 ) {

        $tigr->bail(“ERROR: Error: mummer output error\n”);


    unless (-s “$pfx.mummmer”) {

        die “Error: mummer output error\n”;


    open(ALGO_FILE, “< $pfx.mummmer”)

                or $tigr->bail (“ERROR: could not open $algo_path output file: $pfx.mummmer”);

    open(CLUS_PIPE, “ $mgaps_path -l $clus -s $gap -d $ddiff -f $dfrac > $pfx.mgaps”)

                or $tigr->bail (“ERROR: could not open $mgaps_path input pipe $!”);

    while ( ) {

                print CLUS_PIPE

                or $tigr->bail (“ERROR: could not write to $mgaps_path pipe $!”);


    $err[0] = close(ALGO_FILE);

    $err[1] = close(CLUS_PIPE);

2.4 So use nucmer2 instead of nucmer

Explanation: nucmer use pipe to tranfer mummer output to feed mgaps as input. some times that is problematic. better to separate them. In this case there will be another output file: $prefix.mummer

3. replace mummer with e-mem [[[ OPTIONAL with care ]]]

IF IF IF IF you still have some problem, trying to use multi-thread version of mummer: E-MEM. But do it carefully.

3.1 install e-mem

e-mem website

E-mem was reported to use multithreads and run in low memory requirements

create a file ‘emem’ in the same path as nucmer2/nucmer/mummerplot, and this is the content



edit this number to use multithreads

/path/to/e-mem -t $numthreads “$@”

edit /path/to/e-mem to where to find e-mem program

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

echo “Error: E-mem running failed” >&2

exit 100


echo “E-mem running succeeded”

exit 0


3.2 make ’emem’ to be an excutable

$ chmod +x /path/to/emem

3.3 edit nucmer

text editor open ‘nucmer2‘ and save as ‘nucmer_emem‘

Go to line 99, and 247, find ‘$BIN_DIR/mummer‘ and replace them with ‘$BIN_DIR/emem‘

3.4 So use nucmer_emem instead of nucmer

4. modify mummerplot

4.1 text editor open ‘mummerplot’

4.2 go to line 565 and 575, change first + to *

replace :

if ( /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/ ) {

by :

if ( /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/ ) {

Quick explanation : it search for a line that begin with one or more space, but when you have a start superior to 9999999, this space do not exist anymore.

So if you change ‘+’ by ‘*’ it search for 0 or more spaces.

4.3 Go line: line 884, 894, 981, 991, 1034, 1044

remove ‘defined’ and the corresponding bracket pairs’()’

replace if (defined(%hash)) { … }

by if (%hash) { … }

Quick explanation : OLD perl grammar may report error in latest perl