2012/11/23 04:20:09
通过分析模式原核生物大肠杆菌在没有自然选择性压力的情况下经过20万次传代培养时所发生的精确基因组变化,印第安纳大学文理学院生物学系教授Patricia L. Foster和同事们发现大肠杆菌DNA的自发性突变率实际上要比人们之前所认为的低3倍。相关研究结果于近期在线刊登在PNAS期刊上。
Rate and molecular spectrum of spontaneous mutations in the bacterium Escherichia coli as determined by whole-genome sequencing
Heewook Leea, Ellen Popodib, Haixu Tanga, and Patricia L. Foster
Knowledge of the rate and nature of spontaneous mutation is fundamental to understanding evolutionary and molecular processes. In this report, we analyze spontaneous mutations accumulated over thousands of generations by wild-type Escherichia coli and a derivative defective in mismatch repair (MMR), the primary pathway for correcting replication errors. The major conclusions are (i) the mutation rate of a wild-type E. coli strain is ∼1 × 10−3 per genome per generation; (ii) mutations in the wild-type strain have the expected mutational bias for G:C > A:T mutations, but the bias changes to A:T > G:C mutations in the absence of MMR; (iii) during replication, A:T > G:C transitions preferentially occur with A templating the lagging strand and T templating the leading strand, whereas G:C > A:T transitions preferentially occur with C templating the lagging strand and G templating the leading strand; (iv) there is a strong bias for transition mutations to occur at 5′ApC3′/3′TpG5′ sites (where bases 5′A and 3′T are mutated) and, to a lesser extent, at 5′GpC3′/3′CpG5′ sites (where bases 5′G and 3′C are mutated); (v) although the rate of small (≤4 nt) insertions and deletions is high at repeat sequences, these events occur at only 1/10th the genomic rate of base-pair substitutions. MMR activity is genetically regulated, and bacteria isolated from nature often lack MMR capacity, suggesting that modulation of MMR can be adaptive. Thus, comparing results from the wild-type and MMR-defective strains may lead to a deeper understanding of factors that determine mutation rates and spectra, how these factors may differ among organisms, and how they may be shaped by environmental conditions.