Nat Commun.:世界首次公开和破译双峰驼全基因组序列图谱

2012/11/23 03:53:39

11月13日,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院/中国科学院系统生物学重点实验室李亦学研究员课题组与内蒙古农业大学、上海交通大学、南开大学等研究机构的科研人员合作完成了世界首例双峰驼全基因组序列图谱绘制和破译工作,成果在Nature子刊Nature Communications上在线发表,这项工作的生物信息学分析部分的主要研究骨干是系统生物学重点实验室的丁国徽副研究员,王振博士后以及李圣迪研究生等。同日,Nature杂志社采访了项目组主要成员并在Nature主页头版头条报道该项工作。Nature官方网站撰写评论指出该工作“正解开保证骆驼在严酷环境下生存的基因魔方”。

此次,科研团队同时对一个八岁的野生雄性双峰驼及一个六岁的阿拉善双峰驼进行全基因组序列测定和系统分析。基因图谱分析显示,双峰驼全基因组大小为2.38 Gb, 共编码20,821基因;系统发育分析显示在已完成基因组测序的物种中,双峰驼同牛遗传关系最近,并在5500–6000万年前有最近的共同祖先;同时能量存储和自我保护相关代谢通路中的基因处于加速进化状态,特别胰岛素通路相关基因的适应性进化可以解释骆驼高胰岛素抗性;野骆驼和家骆驼的比较显示,许多嗅觉受体在家骆驼中的杂和率显著较低,表明驯养与嗅觉有很大关系;课题组同时解析了双峰驼解毒基因和免疫球蛋白可能的遗传分子特征。




Genome sequences of wild and domestic bactrian camels

doi: 10.1038/ncomms2192

The Bactrian Camels Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium

Bactrian camels serve as an important means of transportation in the cold desert regions of China and Mongolia. Here we present a 2.01 Gb draft genome sequence from both a wild and a domestic bactrian camel. We estimate the camel genome to be 2.38 Gb, containing 20,821 protein-coding genes. Our phylogenomics analysis reveals that camels shared common ancestors with other even-toed ungulates about 55-60 million years ago. Rapidly evolving genes in the camel lineage are significantly enriched in metabolic pathways, and these changes may underlie the insulin resistance typically observed in these animals. We estimate the genome-wide heterozygosity rates in both wild and domestic camels to be 1.0 × 10(-3). However, genomic regions with significantly lower heterozygosity are found in the domestic camel, and olfactory receptors are enriched in these regions. Our comparative genomics analyses may also shed light on the genetic basis of the camel’s remarkable salt tolerance and unusual immune system.