
2011/09/13 14:58:57


该电动分子马达仅1纳米宽,打破了现有最小马达200纳米的世界纪录,研究人员正为该马达 申请吉尼斯世界纪录。马达的主要部件是丁基甲基硫醚分子,它的硫基能吸附在铜板表面,剩下5个烃基就像硫基的两条不对称手臂,一边有4个而另一边有1个, 用低温扫描隧道显微镜上面的金属针给它提供一个电荷,两条碳链就能围绕硫铜连接点自由旋转。显微镜的金属针作为一个电极,负责向分子输送电流,引导分子旋 转方向。

论文作者之一、塔夫斯大学化学副教授E·查尔斯·H·塞克斯介绍说,要把单个分子作为一个 分子机器的组成部分,必须给单个分子接上外加电源,让它按照规定的方向运动。目前尽管已有一些理论方案,但真正的电动分子马达一直未能制造出来。“我们造 出了第一个由光和化学反应来供电的分子马达,让它有目的而不是随机地做些事情。”


研究人员还指出,尽管电动分子马达有很多实际应用,但还要解决温度方面的难题才能更好地控 制它的转动。塞克斯说:“如果能更好地控制温度,让马达在合适温度下运转,它就能在传感器、微管设备等医疗器械中发挥实际作用。在微观领域,液体对管壁的 摩擦力会变得很明显,如果管壁装上马达,就能促进液体顺畅流通。如果把分子运动和电信号连接在一起,还能在纳米电路中产生微小的传动作用,这种传动可用于 手机等产品的微型延迟线中。

Experimental demonstration of a single-molecule electric motor

Heather L. Tierney, Colin J. Murphy, April D. Jewell, Ashleigh E. Baber, Erin V. Iski, Harout Y. Khodaverdian, Allister F. McGuire, Nikolai Klebanov, E. Charles H. Sykes,

Nat Nano, doi: 10.1038/nnano.2011.142

For molecules to be used as components in molecular machines, methods that couple individual molecules to external energy sources and that selectively excite motion in a given direction are required1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Significant progress has been made in the construction of molecular motors powered by light1, 2, 7 and by chemical reactions3, 4, 5, 8, but electrically driven motors have not yet been built, despite several theoretical proposals for such motors9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Here we report that a butyl methyl sulphide molecule adsorbed on a copper surface can be operated as a single-molecule electric motor. Electrons from a scanning tunnelling microscope are used to drive the directional motion of the molecule in a two-terminal setup. Moreover, the temperature and electron flux can be adjusted to allow each rotational event to be monitored at the molecular scale in real time. The direction and rate of the rotation are related to the chiralities of both the molecule and the tip of the microscope (which serves as the electrode), illustrating the importance of the symmetry of the metal contacts in atomic-scale electrical devices14.