2011/07/12 14:13:05
来自美国堪萨斯大学医学中心、斯托瓦斯医学研究所(Stowers Institute for Medical Research)获得了转录过程的研究新发现:转录因子MED26在RNA聚合酶II合成RNA的过程中扮演了重要的角色,它能直接连接超长延伸复合物(super-elongation complexes ,SECs),参与RNA聚合酶II作用。这一研究成果公布在最新《细胞》(Cell)杂志上,并作为封面推荐,封面上显示MED26因子与RNA聚合酶 II就像是接力赛中的两个运动员,而SEC就是传递的接力棒。
文章由Joan W. Conaway和Ronald C. Conaway研究组完成,这一研究组聚焦于转录过程,基因表达调控,RNA聚合酶等方面的研究,曾发现多个转录因子的关键作用,比如他们发现一个能够从其它蛋白中移走蛋白标记(泛素)的泛素酶Uch37调控基因表达的新机制。
RNA聚合酶II(Pol II)三大RNA聚合酶之一,存在于基因转录装置的核心位置,编码蛋白质基因的转录受到RNA聚合酶的调控。RNA聚合酶解开DNA双链,沿着一条链移动。在移动过程中,它们一边“解读”DNA链上的核苷,一边合成一条相应的RNA链。由Pol II组成的RNA是信使RNA(mRNA),它们将合成蛋白质的指令传给核糖体。
这一酶的结构已于2008年被Patrick Cramer等人测定,但是其中的一些关键问题还没有搞清楚,比如RNA聚合酶II停顿后重新激活过程与SECs的聚集密切相关——SECs包含有 ELL/EAF家族成员:P-TEFb等参与转录的蛋白因子,这个过程是如何发生的,科学家们至今了解得并不多。
在这篇文章中,研究人员发现了MED26(中介体复合物亚基,human Mediator subunit)在这一过程中的关键作用,MED26的保守N端有可以与SECs结合的位点,而且这一因子还是与RNA聚合酶II起始复合物中起始因子 TFIID首先相互作用的分子开关,在这之后,MED26能交换下TFIID,从而结合到包含ELL/EAF和P-TEF的复合物上,帮助RNA聚合酶 II的延伸过程。
Human Mediator Subunit MED26 Functions as a Docking Site for Transcription Elongation Factors
Hidehisa Takahashi, Tari J. Parmely, Shigeo Sato, Chieri Tomomori-Sato, Charles A.S. Banks, Stephanie E. Kong, Henrietta Szutorisz, Selene K. Swanson, Skylar Martin-Brown, Michael P. Washburn, Laurence Florens, Chris W. Seidel, Chengqi Lin, Edwin R. Smith, Ali Shilatifard, Ronald C. Conaway, Joan W. Conaway
Cell, Doi:10.1016/j.cell.2011.06.005
Promoter-proximal pausing by initiated RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and regulated release of paused polymerase into productive elongation has emerged as a major mechanism of transcription activation. Reactivation of paused Pol II correlates with recruitment of super-elongation complexes (SECs) containing ELL/EAF family members, P-TEFb, and other proteins, but the mechanism of their recruitment is an unanswered question. Here, we present evidence for a role of human Mediator subunit MED26 in this process. We identify in the conserved N-terminal domain of MED26 overlapping docking sites for SEC and a second ELL/EAF-containing complex, as well as general initiation factor TFIID. In addition, we present evidence consistent with the model that MED26 can function as a molecular switch that interacts first with TFIID in the Pol II initiation complex and then exchanges TFIID for complexes containing ELL/EAF and P-TEFb to facilitate transition of Pol II into the elongation stage of transcription.