
2011/06/02 22:46:56



研究人员亚当·阿金和同事不用增加蛋白质,直接放大了RNA分子的调控信号。他们利用金黄色葡萄球菌细胞质粒pT181中的一种基本元素,制造出了一种衰减子的变体。该变体能在同一个细胞中独立调控多靶点的转录行为,但其功能与RNA媒介转录衰减机制相反,并通过RNA间的相互作用来执行调控基因活性和转录的功能。研究人员随后在最普通的埃希氏菌属大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中验证了其功能。




Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences     DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1015741108

Versatile RNA-sensing transcriptional regulators for engineering genetic networks

Lucks, Julius B.; Qi, Lei; Mutalik, Vivek K.; Wang, Denise; Arkin, Adam P.

The widespread natural ability of RNA to sense small molecules and regulate genes has become an important tool for syntheticbiology in applications as diverse as environmental sensing and metabolic engineering. Previous work in RNA synthetic biologyhas engineered RNA mechanisms that independently regulate multiple targets and integrate regulatory signals. However, intracellularregulatory networks built with these systems have required proteins to propagate regulatory signals. In this work, we removethis requirement and expand the RNA synthetic biology toolkit by engineering three unique features of the plasmid pT181 antisense-RNA-mediatedtranscription attenuation mechanism. First, because the antisense RNA mechanism relies on RNA-RNA interactions, we show howthe specificity of the natural system can be engineered to create variants that independently regulate multiple targets inthe same cell. Second, because the pT181 mechanism controls transcription, we show how independently acting variants can beconfigured in tandem to integrate regulatory signals and perform genetic logic. Finally, because both the input and outputof the attenuator is RNA, we show how these variants can be configured to directly propagate RNA regulatory signals by constructingan RNA-meditated transcriptional cascade. The combination of these three features within a single RNA-based regulatory mechanismhas the potential to simplify the design and construction of genetic networks by directly propagating signals as RNA molecules.