[转]科学家发现果蝇求爱机制 有望提高家畜繁殖效率

2011/02/11 14:06:43



研究人员向雄性果蝇的P1细胞中加入荧光物质,这种物质在神经细胞兴奋时就会发光。随后 研究人员用针插入雄性果蝇的后背,将其固定住,然后让雌性果蝇靠近它们。结果发现只要雄性果蝇的足接触到雌性的身体,P1细胞就开始发光,雄性果蝇马上开 始了包括扇动单侧翅膀在内的求爱行动。


Female Contact Activates Male-Specific Interneurons that Trigger Stereotypic Courtship Behavior in Drosophila

Soh Kohatsu, Masayuki Koganezawa, Daisuke Yamamoto

Neuron doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.12.017 (volume 69 issue 3 pp.498 - 508)

We determined the cellular substrate for male courtship behavior by quasinatural and artificial stimulation of brain neurons. Activation of fruitless (fru)-expressing neurons via stimulation of thermosensitive dTrpA1 channels induced an entire series of courtship acts in male Drosophila placed alone without any courting target. By reducing the number of neurons expressing dTrpA1 by MARCM, we demonstrated that the initiation of courtship behavior is significantly correlated with the activation of the transmidline P1 interneurons, the descending P2b interneurons, or both, indicating that these interneurons trigger courtship. Using an experimental paradigm in which a tethered male can be stimulated to initiate courtship by touching his foreleg tarsus to a female's abdomen, we found that P1 neurites of tethered males showed a transient Ca2+ rise after tarsal stimulation with the female-associated sensory cues. These observations strongly suggest that P1 neurons are the prime components of the neural circuitry that initiates male courtship. � Forcible activation of P1 or P2b fru-expressing neurons triggers male courtship � A tethered male initiates courtship when stimulated by a female contact � Tarsal contact with the female body causes a rapid Ca2+ rise in male P1 neurons � Transmidline P1 and descending P2b neurons compose a trigger system for courtship
