2010/08/17 12:36:43
- Bell CJ, Ecker JR. Assignment of 30 microsatellite loci to the linkage map of Arabidopsis. Genomics, 1994 Jan 1;19(1):137-44
Thirty microsatellite loci were assigned to the Arabidopsis linkage map. Several microsatellite sequences in Arabidopsis DNA were found by searching the EMBL and GenBank databases, and a number of these were subsequently found to detect polymorphisms between different Arabidopsis strains by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). After the presence of microsatellites in Arabidopsis and their utility for genetic mapping had been demonstrated, systematic screening for (CA)n and (GA)n sequences was carried out on marker-selected plasmid libraries and a small-insert genomic library. Positive clones were sequenced, PCR primers flanking the repeats were synthesized, and PCR was carried out on different strains to look for useful polymorphisms. Surprisingly, of 18 (CA)n repeats (n > 13), only one was polymorphic. In contrast, 25 of 30 (GA)n repeats, 2 of 3 (AT)n repeats, and 2 of 4 (A)n repeats were polymorphic. The majority of the (CA)n repeats were complex, with adjacent short di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide repeats, whereas most of the (GA)n, (TA)n, and (A)n repeats were simple. The (CA)n repeats were also refractory to PCR analysis, requiring extensive optimization of PCR conditions, whereas the other repeat classes were mostly amplified with a single set of standard conditions. When polymorphisms were detected, the microsatellites were mapped using a set of recombinant inbred lines originating from a cross between the strains Columbia and Landsberg erecta.
- Konieczny A, Ausubel FM. A procedure for mapping Arabidopsis mutations using co-dominant ecotype-specific PCR-based markers. Plant J, 1993, 4 (2): 403-10
A set of mapping markers have been designed for Arabidopsis thaliana that correspond to DNA fragments amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The ecotype of origin of these amplified fragments can be determined by cleavage with a restriction endonuclease. Specifically, 18 sets of PCR primers were synthesized, each of which amplifies a single mapped DNA sequence from the Columbia and Landsberg erecta ecotypes. Also identified was at least one restriction endonuclease for each of these PCR products that generates ecotype-specific digestion patterns. Using these co-dominant cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS), an Arabidopsis gene can be unambiguously mapped to one of the 10 Arabidopsis chromosome arms in a single cross using a limited number of F2 progeny.
3、Alonso-Blanco C, et al. Development of an AFLP based linkage map of Ler, Col and Cvi Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and construction of a Ler/Cvi recombinant inbred line population. Plant J, 1998, 14 (2): 259-71
An amplified fragment polymorphism (AFLP) based linkage map has been generated for a new Landsberg erecta/ Cape Verde Islands (Ler/Cvi) recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. A total of 321 molecular PCR based markers and the erecta mutation were mapped. AFLP markers were also analysed in the Landsberg erecta/Columbia (Ler/Col) RIL population (Lister and Dean, 1993) and 395 AFLP markers have been integrated into the previous Arabidopsis molecular map of 122 RFLPs, CAPSs and SSLPs. This enabled the evaluation of the efficiency and robustness of AFLP technology for linkage analyses in Arabidopsis. AFLP markers were found throughout the linkage map. The two RIL maps could be integrated through 49 common markers which all mapped at similar positions. Comparison of both maps led to the conclusion that segregating bands from a common parent can be compared between different populations, and that AFLP bands of similar molecular size, amplified with the same primer combination in two different ecotypes, are likely to correspond to the same locus. AFLPs were found clustering around the centromeric regions, and the authors have established the map position of the centromere of chromosome 3 by a quantitative analysis of AFLP bands using trisomic plants. AFLP markers were also used to estimate the polymorphism rate among the three ecotypes. The larger polymorphism rate found between Ler and Cvi compared to Ler and Col will mean that the new RIL population will provide a useful material to map DNA polymorphisms and quantitative trait loci.