
2010/08/09 04:32:57


美国俄亥俄大学的Patrick M. O’Connor与同事,在坦桑尼亚西南Rukwa Rift盆地的白垩纪沉积物中发现了一种新的、体型较小的鳄形动物化石,显示了关于趋同性形态演化的进一步证据。






Nature doi:10.1038/nature09061

The evolution of mammal-like crocodyliforms in the Cretaceous Period of Gondwana

Patrick M. O’Connor,Joseph J. W. Sertich,Nancy J. Stevens,Eric M. Roberts,Michael D. Gottfried,Tobin L. Hieronymus,Zubair A. Jinnah,Ryan Ridgely,Sifa E. Ngasala& Jesuit Temba

Fossil crocodyliforms discovered in recent years1, 2, 3, 4, 5 have revealed a level of morphological and ecological diversity not exhibited by extant members of the group. This diversity is particularly notable among taxa of the Cretaceous Period (144–65?million years ago) recovered from former Gondwanan landmasses. Here we report the discovery of a new species of Cretaceous notosuchian crocodyliform from the Rukwa Rift Basin6 of southwestern Tanzania. This small-bodied form deviates significantly from more typical crocodyliform craniodental morphologies, having a short, broad skull, robust lower jaw, and a dentition with relatively few teeth that nonetheless show marked heterodonty. The presence of morphologically complex, complementary upper and lower molariform teeth suggests a degree of crown–crown contact during jaw adduction that is unmatched among known crocodyliforms, paralleling the level of occlusal complexity seen in mammals and their extinct relatives7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. The presence of another small-bodied mammal-like crocodyliform in the Cretaceous of Gondwana indicates that notosuchians probably filled niches and inhabited ecomorphospace that were otherwise occupied by mammals on northern continents.